Nyns eus goon heb lagas, na ke heb scovarn

There is no down without an eye, nor hedge without an ear


Many non-Cornish folk find it difficult to understand Cornish people talking amongst themselves, particularly, when "broad Cornish" is being spoken. This tuition series is intended to provide a gentle introduction to light- to medium-broad Cornish for non-Cornish folk, or "Emmets".  It will be noted that it is impossible to provide guidance in respect of very broad Cornish.

The following conversation between two Cornishmen, Madron and Denzil, was recorded recently in Penlee Park and is presented here with a standard English equivalent.

Madron: Yeow!  Good Afternoon!

Denzil: Yeow, boy! Why, good afternoon to you too!

Madron: 'Erdee gotta dog, boy. I have heard that you have acquired a dog.

Denzil: Es, yo! Sumscampyis! Yes, a right little character he is as well.

Madron: Where's ee to, uh? Eatenavee? Where is he then? I trust that you have not eaten him.

Denzil:  Naw, I bleddy ebben an 'ee idn 'idin neether. No, I most certainly have not and he is not hiding!
Madron:  Idnee?  I kent see ov un! Isn't he?  I cannot espy him anywhere.

Denzil:  Pzackly! Ee idn ere, izza? Exactly!  He is not here.

Madron: Well, Wherzee to uh? Well then, where is he?

Denzil: 'zonly two week ole. Up ome,
inna?  Wheree duh blong. He is only two weeks old and so he is at home where he should be.
Madron: O 'es! Up ome wimissus?  Ah, I see. He is at home with your wife.

Denzil: Naw, ee bleddy idn. She upanleff we las month. Livin up Scorrier neow inna mobilome. Our boy Trev is ome from Borstal and ee's lookinafterovun fer we. No, I fear that is not the case. My wife left me last month and is now residing in a caravan in Scorrier. Our son, Trevor, is home from private school and he is taking  care of the dog for me.

Madron: O ell, gotta bleddy dash neow! If I doan turnup job centre gen, they buggers'll bleddy stop my giro! See ee gen boy! Goodness, look at the time! I must shoot off now or I'll miss my appointment with the bank manager and then my finances will get in a mess. Toodle pip!

Denzil: Es, yo! Proper! See ee dreckly! Right you are! I quite understand. See you anon!


  1. wot sorta dog izza?

  2. Izza bleddy mongrall from down you knaw wheer!!!


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